Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just A word About Prayer

Have you ever sat at a meal where everything is hot and the smell of food has you so hungry you could taste it. Then someone is asked to pray over the food and you don't mind praying, in fact you always pray and feel you should  pray before you  eat and express how grateful that you have this opportunity to do this. But, there are those that feel that prayer time is a time to preach and babble on and on. At first you are happy to pray and then your mind wanders away and anger sets in. Your thoughts go to the food and and how it is getting cold, and you lose all thankfulness through this small amount of anger. Did Jesus warn us about this of course he did. Read Matthew 6:7-8 Sadly many still believe that God only hears long prayers and that we have to express our needs in prayer. Jesus said God knows our needs so why waste time with all this babble when a simple thank you is all that is needed. God does not need to be informed of all your sins and especially not at the dinner table. If you feel this need, take it to a private prayer spot and have some quality time with God and share everything. Don't take a beautiful thankyou prayer and turn it away from its purpose by lingering so long that everyone is calling you a fool in their minds. Don't use the dinner table as a pulpit you will lose all that thankfulness through anger because no one likes to eat cold food.

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