Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God I Wonder

As I walk around the path I see flowers that have busted out and filled themselves with color and I wonder.
I see tree swaying in the wind blowing as if they are paying homage to God and I wonder.

I hear the birds and their songs reach into the heavens like a choir of angels and I wonder.
I see the clouds white and fluffy rolling across the bright blue sky and I wonder.

I hear the water rippling along over the rocks and the music they make soothes my nerves but still I wonder.
I see the crystal beauty of the water and the white bubbles that rise as they pass over the rocks and still I wonder.

The meow of cat, the bark of a dog, the smell of honey suckle, the grass between my toes, and still I wonder.
How God could love me so much he gave me all this to hear, feel,see and do I deserve it still I wonder.

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