Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God I Wonder

As I walk around the path I see flowers that have busted out and filled themselves with color and I wonder.
I see tree swaying in the wind blowing as if they are paying homage to God and I wonder.

I hear the birds and their songs reach into the heavens like a choir of angels and I wonder.
I see the clouds white and fluffy rolling across the bright blue sky and I wonder.

I hear the water rippling along over the rocks and the music they make soothes my nerves but still I wonder.
I see the crystal beauty of the water and the white bubbles that rise as they pass over the rocks and still I wonder.

The meow of cat, the bark of a dog, the smell of honey suckle, the grass between my toes, and still I wonder.
How God could love me so much he gave me all this to hear, feel,see and do I deserve it still I wonder.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Conformormity to the will of God. Through miraculous resurrection and immortality of the soul. Salvation beyond death is a state of the most intimate union with God and with each distinct personality being preserved. Man in his own power cannot fulfill perfectly the conditions of salvation.

The primordial fall or orginal sin caused man to become perverted with pride and self-love. God's final purpose is salvation of all mankind because he is a loving and merciful God. Men that repent is offered grace.

 Without Jesus of Nazareth the mediator or giver of grace this would not be possible. God loved the world so much he incarnated into human form to suffer the pains and burdens of mankind.

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