Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We have grown accustomed to letting our external wants determine our internal needs. Yet if we learned anything in life it's that our internal needs should control our external wants. True happiness comes when we begin to realize that processions are useless in our happiness and only brings the need for more. We are happier when our basic needs are met. When you are hungry food is the only important thing. When your sad a new car doesn't satisfy the sadness it just delays it. Drugs and alcohol doesn't make your problems go away it just accumulates more problems. No wonder people try to commit suicide they have taken on more than they can carry and crash under the weight of it. They have let external things become more important than the internal needs. They are searching for a possession that bring peace in their life yet hidden inside of them is the only true peace and it has been hidden from them by the deception that it is somewhere external in life.