Friday, June 25, 2010


We paused in our life when we took on six of our grandchildren and discussed our situation because we felt that we had failed our son's in some way. We thought about our lives as children ourselves and came to realize that our fondest memories were of church and family meals. We discussed how those values followed us into adulthood and formed who we are today. We felt that if we had installed those values in our sons maybe they would have grown up to a better future. We decided to go on a hunt for a church that would install those values in our children. Since our children would make the final decision on which church we would attend, we decided to try several churches and vote on one. If the children did not like a church we knew that whatever the message it would carry no impact.

Our list was made and we began our search. After several visits the vote was tallied. Our children voted on a Pentecostal church where they had the freedom to worship with flags and dance.It started out great. Our children loved the church and we loved the worship. The years we attend we watched many changes. What we closed our eyes to was the growing condemnation that was growing in our small congregation.

It wasn't until our children became the target of the condemnation did we open our eyes. The old verse Jesus spoke of about those who keep the children from coming to him, rang out in our minds, as we began a new church.

We decided to start again on our search for a church again. We chose several churches to try. Our first church was Baptist. When we entered into the church we were tense and nervous. What was apparent was our children was right at home. They felt as though they had always belonged there. This church was so different, yet the love was apparent. Everyone was so nice and refreshing. We felt no condemnation and we adjusted to the new routine very smoothly. The seal was when the Pastor's wife approached us and told us she prayed for more children and we walked in with eight. She was so amazed at how God had answered her prayer with just one family. We were amazed at how this church supports and cares for their children.The children voted that day not to try anymore churches that this was the one God had chosen for them.

Pondering all the events in our life and asking why, the answer is that if all the other events had not of taken place, would our eyes be open to the truth. There is only one true church and it is based on love. If love is not there then we are following the wrong path. If a man says he loves his bother and yet condemns him, then he does not love him. A true man of Christ would carry his friend to the cross, if a man cannot make it there on his own.