Monday, January 25, 2010


If the Lord is the Puppet Master then I will be his puppet. He will pull the strings and make me dance and sing his songs and control my every move. I will sing the words he puts in my mouth. For it is he whom made me and he chose the wood that he carved my body from. He placed the strings on my hands and legs to perform for him. It is in the comfort of these strings I feel safe and secure. One day I will be a real boy(girl) with the freedom from these strings that day being when God knows I can stand on my own and when I can sing and dance with him in his loving arms . He will never leave me but will only guide me and I will no longer need the strings I will know the dance and the song. We will be together and enhance each other through love.

If you believe that you are giving up your freedom by letting God be in control then remember the nights without him. The nights of alcohol and drugs the lies , the deceit, the sex, all that great fun. The day after hugging the potty seat and the roaring headache that feels like half your head was blown off the night before. Oh what great fun that was and there you were alone, alone and alone. The truth is God was there with you yet you were to ashamed to even lift your eyes to him. How many times did you swear that you would never ever do this again. Yet again as soon as the pain went away you were right back out there trying to have another great day of sickness, shame and pure disgust. The whole time God sat waiting on you to just lift up your eyes and say one word "help".

He would then attach the strings with your permission and oil the joints slowly and begin to move you. It's not easy and he would never say this is going to be easy but he will lay out the road one stone at a time and move you slowly on to the path. Every once in a while a stone won't support your weight but God will place another one just in reach and see if you are still on the path. He will teach you the song and the dance. He will control you at first but one day he will pull out the scissors and cut the strings. If fear creeps in then open your eyes and take the hand extended to you and dance with your lord in the security of his arms to the music of life.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What I learned in my study of Exodus

The bible talks about the people leaving Egypt. We have always heard the miracle of the departing sea and never really thought much about any thing else. While discussing the Exodus with my children it hit me that there was more to the story than a miracle. The lesson is that whenever God performs a miracle like freeing the people from Egypt we rejoice and sing praises to him but as soon when our memory grows faint of the miracles and we find ourselves against the sea and the enemy advancing we start to complain. We begin to proclaim that it's not worth the effort and we would be better off to submit than to keep our faith. The devil's tool is to make it very apparent what we don't have and blinds us to what we do have. If we remove the blinders we would see that we have everything we need not everything we want. God hears our calls for things we want but as the people in the desert proved we suddenly let our desires overtake us and hoard up God's blessings and rationalize why it's OK. God cares about our wants but if it doesn't serve his purpose all the complaining in the world will not bring it about. If you are being rewarded with riches and life is not even a challenge then you better step back and take a look at your life because you may not be serving God but the Devil.