Thursday, December 31, 2009


Having the Ten commandments removed from courthouse walls, who came up with that idea? The Ten Commandments say what? How dare us ask the world to read God's word. After all he asked such impossible feats. What was it he asked us to do?
  • How dare him ask us not to kill, lie and steal. Isn't it our God given right to do these things.
  • Shouldn't we all be able to covet our neighbor's processions heck , even steal them if we won't to.
  • We should be able to hate our neighbor just because he has worked harder than us and achieved more processions.
  • We should all be sleeping with each other's spouse. We should be spreading venereal diseases to everyone.
  • We should all have the right to carry guns and murder whom ever we please.
  • We should be able to let our teens have sex whenever they want and they should be able to kill the fetus just because they don't want to be bothered with raising a child.
  • We should all be able to do drugs and drink alcohol and lay in a drunken stupor ain't that what life's all about.
  • We should all not work, be afraid to go outside for fear of our neighbors, stay wasted so we can hide the fact that we are all cowards and the world is such a hell for us all.
Did you say hell for us all ? Wasn't that what the ten commandments were all about avoiding all the above and maybe avoiding hell on earth. How can having ten little rules hanging on a wall to remind us what we should all be doing to make our life better be so intimidating to someone.