Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bread "The Staff Of Life"

I was looking for something to write about. I don't know why bread was on my mind but here is something to ponder about. I was thinking about JESUS saying that bread was his body. He broke the bread and passed pieces to his followers. I can see how that represented the breaking of his body and the spreading of the word of CHRIST. Each piece would represent the WORD being consumed by an individual. What struck me was that after being consumed our bodies secrete enzymes to digest the bread, the bread passes into the stomach is then digested by enzymes and each carbon string is separated into glucose molecules and the left over is sent to be disposed of. The good molecules are sent out all over the body to be used as energy and allows the body to function normally as it was created to do. Maybe bread has a deeper meaning than we all realize. Maybe "The staff of life" has a deeper meaning than just building and repairing cells in our body. Maybe it represents the separation of the good and evil in our spirit so that the good can be applied were it can benefit us most.